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Understanding the Domain Name System (DNS) Print

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EWebsites and all equipment e.g. mobile phones, websites, laptops, tablets, etc. that can connect to the Internet has an individual IP address. This IP address (Internet Protocol) consists of numbers separated with dots e.g. 94.256.987.586 which are synchronised with unique user-defined names.

Computers ‘talk’ to each other via code over the Internet, whilst human beings find it far easier to remember the alternative domain name (e.g. www.lations.co.za).

Appointed authoritative Registries ensure that the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) regulations are strictly adhered to globally. ZACR / UniForum (South Africa) is responsible for South African 2nd Level Domains i.e. .co.za.

Verisign is the Registry that authorises both.com and .net TLDs (Top Level Domains), Public Interest Registry (PIR), is responsible for the  TLD .org domains, and Affilias is the registry for .info gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domains).

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