Affecting Other
Wireless / Mobile/Fibre
14/10/2023 16:37
Last Updated 14/10/2023 16:40
Subject: Eskom Load Shedding and Wireless / Mobile
Posted: 2023-02-22 09:41:00
Message: Dear Client, Due to the ongoing load shedding by Eskom, Mobile / Wireless providers have issued a statement that service loss would be experienced due to this. Mobile / Wireless providers use batteries and generators as a backup to their high sites and towers, however, battery sites have limited power and will eventually fail. Due to the frequency and duration of the load shedding the backup batteries at various towers / high sites cannot fully recharge. The providers are pro-actively putting measures in place to help mitigate the effect of the widespread load shedding. Part of these measures is deploying generators to various key sites to keep the backup batteries fully charged.